This is one of the first songs I ever wrote and I wrote it on a Casio keyboard. The idea behind it was that when I was younger I was pretty shy and I had a hard time speaking my mind - which is what led me to songwriting. It's about being the person you want to be in your dreams and the frustration you feel what you can't be that in real life. The imagery is from some of my dreams as a child and from a summer camp I went to where I had my own horse for a week. His name was Yankee.
* Recorded and mixed by Steve Louis at Third Floor Studios, Columbus, OH. FEATURES Rick Soriano - Keys, Steve Louis - percussion


Sometimes i'd rather be sleeping
i feel like i have to get back
to the smack of the rope - the clapping hands and the touch of his soft coat.

If i can't live in real life i'll live in my dreams
i'm strong as an ox and i'll say to you anything
i tower above i'm a giant i'm everything
in the daylight i die i'm alive in my dreams.

Somewhere there's a rock with my name on it
somewhere there's a jockey riding my horse named yankee
i can see the tops of the trees and the tops of the houses
i can fly
and i can see the sidewalk with all the kids playing
I can see the waves crash
and when i land i'm in the middle of the ocean in a boat
playing with my best friend.

If i can't live in real life i'll live in my dreams
i'm strong as an ox and i'll say to you anything
i tower above i'm a giant i'm everything
in the daylight i die i'm alive in my dreams.